Tips & Techniques

BCS Resources 1

6 Emotional Needs of the Client and Ways to Satisfy Them

1. Provide Safety

The best way for an organization to provide safety is with the environment they create for clients. When clients come to your office, how do they feel? Does it feel organized and inviting or does it feel disheveled, unkept and dark? A warm, friendly, clean, bright environment has a beter chance of making a client feel safe and confident it what lies ahead.

2. Connection

Finding commonalities between you and your clients can help build trust. When people feel they have a connection with someone, they are more willing to trust what they do and say even if it doesn’t meet their initial expectations. With connection clients will 3. give you the benefit of the doubt.

3. Volition (Power)

People have a need to feel in control of their own lives. When this emotional need is not met destructive behavior can come out as result of fighting to regain control. The best way an organization can give power to its clients is through choice. How can you present clients with options that make them feel they have a choice in the mater?

4. Attention

When a client is providing compensation for your service their assumption is that they will be a priority, and it will show through your time and attention. You can provide this emotional need by eliminating distractions during your interactions. If this emotional need is not met it can result in behaviors such as requesting a more senior employee, in hopes of escalating the mater to get the attention they seek. This can be avoided by being attentive and present upfront.

5. Achievement

Satisfy the client by providing a sense of accomplishment. Fulfilling this emotional need will prevent the person from feeling they have wasted their time and money on your services. Their behavior will result in unsatisfaction and ultimately blame. Even if you are not able to reach the desired outcome, look for ways to communicate achievement through the work that was accomplished.

6. Meaning

Clients are coming to you with a problem that they often don’t understand. They are not only seeking a solution to the problem but also the why (meaning) to the problem. Their emotional need for assurance needs to be filled. This can be satisfied through words of wisdom, a silver lining, a relatable story, or affirmation that everything will be ok.